What You Need To Know About Fence Height Regulations In Victoria (2025)

Do you want to build or upgrade a fence on your property? It's important to remember that there are different regulations for different types of fences.

Do You Need A Permit For A Fence In Victoria?

The answer to this question is both yes and no, depending on the characteristics of the fence you desire.

Also, some fences require a building permit and others a planning permit. Others require both.

Most councils will require permits for any of the following:

  • The fence is to be installed on a shared boundary.
  • It may depend on how close the shared boundary is to the fence being installed.
  • The fence is being installed near an Alleyway or public space ie. Parkland.
  • If there is a body corporate or covenant for the property.
  • If the property is a Heritage overlay.
  • Are there any significant trees within 4m of the fence?
  • If the fence is to be installed over an easement.
  • If the fence is to be installed over a flood zone.
  • Some councils may require a certain amount of transparency for the fence.

Fence pillar precast concrete sandstone Reg 126 Structural Design Melbourne

Front Fences

If you desire a front wall whose height exceeds 1.5m for timber and 1.2m for masonry, you’ll need to get a report and consent from your local council first.

If your property lies on an undeclared road, you’ll also require a building permit for your front fence.

For example, if your property is in Knox City, you’ll need a building permit and Report & Consent permit for a front fence over 1m tall or a front fence within 9m from an intersection. You don’t need a permit if your front fence falls under the stipulated regulations. If you prefer to construct a sandstone concrete fence like this image above, it requires a little more effort and will require a structural engineer to design the structural integrity of the fence, plus the supporting footing.

Boundary Fences

Any boundary fence with a trellis or one that exceeds these parameters will require a building permit and Report & Consent permit from the local council.

Other Fences

The other common types of fences are corner and swimming pool fences.

You don’t need a permit if your corner fence is:

  • 1m high if it lies within 9m from a road intersection
  • 1.5m high along a boundary fence
  • 2m along a side street boundary

You’ll also need a permit for any fence surrounding a swimming pool, children’s play area, or outdoor area.

Also, you’ll need a building permit if you wish to install a barbed wire fence next to a street alignment.

What You Need To Know About Fence Height Regulations In Victoria (2)

What Is The Standard Height Of A Fence In Victoria?

The standard height of a fence depends on the type of fence you wish to construct.

Front Fences

Most councils in Victoria won’t demand any license for any steel or timber picket front fence, such as the one shown below, as long as it’s not more than 1.5m high and maintains visual transparency.

The limit for front fences made from masonry is a little bit lower at 1.2m high. Sometimes they might not require a planning permit but will require structural engineering design and certification for a building permit as they deemed it as structural works. Masonry includes materials such as:

  • Concrete panels
  • Bricks
  • Concrete blocks
  • Hebel blocks
  • Hebel panels

If you desire to use barbed wire for your front fence, you must place it at least 2m away from the street.

Boundary Fence

The average boundary fence height in Victoria for which you won’t need a permit is 2m.

But the revised consolidated regulations allow you to construct up to a maximum of 3.6m high.

Note that the section of your boundary fence within a 3m distance from your front fence mustn’t exceed 1.5m high. This restriction has been implemented to prevent the boundary wall from obstructing drivers’ views, thereby endangering children and pets.

Most boundary fences in Victoria have a height of between 1.6m and 1.8m. Meanwhile, the standard height for back fences that are part of the boundary fence is 2m.

Other Types Of Fences

The fence around a spa or swimming pool shouldn’t be over 1.2m high.

If your property is within a General Residential Zone 1, also known as GRZ1, your fence can’t exceed 1.2m.

Note: Roller doors, screens, and gates must adhere to the height requirements of the fences next to them. When excavating for your fence, ensure that you guard or fence it during construction.

What You Need To Know About Fence Height Regulations In Victoria (3)

Why Do Fence Height Regulations In Victoria Matter To Property Developers?

Adhering to height regulations will shield you from financial losses when the council asks you to pull down the fence. It may also shield you from legal action should the local council decide to take legal action against contraveners.

Additionally, knowing about the current regulations will guide you on how to install your fence. As you plan for your fence, keep in mind that:

  • Different local councils may have different height regulations
  • Fence material, height, and location determine whether planning and building permits are required

Different Local Councils May Have Different Height Regulations

Although we have covered the regulations you’ll likely need to obey, you still need to visit your local council for specific regulations.

Fence Material Height And Location Determines Whether You’ll Need Building Permits

As established earlier, the council’s laws on fencing depend on the location and material used. For instance, front fences are generally shorter than border fences. The distance of your fence from an intersection will determine its maximum height.

Generally, councils allow you to build timber front fences up to 1.5m high but limit concrete fences, such as the one shown below, to 1.2m high. Therefore, should you wish to construct a fence that look something like below, you will require proper structural engineering design, which will include concrete design, masonry block wall design, concrete strip footing design +Regulation 126 Certificate of Compliance.

I personally really liked the concrete pillar fence with wrought iron. You can easily buy them from local distributor such as Caststone, Atlas , Fulton Brick and Paving Supplies or Form Home Improvement. Most of these products come in sections, and you can choose the design, material, height you wish to suit your design. All you need to do, is to install couple of N12 reinforcement and fill the hollow core with concrete, and you're done. You can leave the engineering side to us, we will design the strip footing to AS 2870, concrete to AS 3600, masonry block wall fence to AS 3700 and send you the report for your council's approval.

What You Need To Know About Fence Height Regulations In Victoria (4)

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What You Need To Know About Fence Height Regulations In Victoria (2025)
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